Bump class is a safe workout class for the healthy
and active prenatal mums. The 60 minutes session consist of sharing session, pregnancy restorative stretches, light resistant with functional training as our based workout.
Twelve weeks expectant mothers and up, with a green light from their doctors to workout can join the class.
The program will run for 60 minutes and consist of pregnancy restorative stretches, and modified suspension training. Twelve weeks expectant mothers and up, with a green light from their doctors to workout can join the class
The program runs for 60 minutes and the class will focus on regaining your core strength, releasing stress, and realigning all those over-worked muscles from pregnancy and motherhood. This is a fundamental class for postnatal mothers prior to their comeback in training regularly. Mothers who delivered naturally, can join the class on their 6th weeks postnatal, and C-section graduates in their 12th, of course with the green light from their doctors.
Fit Mum and Bub is a designated bonding time for mum and bub through fitness. And is the first baby carrying workout in Indonesia. The program consist of restorative stretches for the nursing mothers, and a full on 45 minutes fun functional movements workout that will get your sweats on.
Babies from 3 months up are welcome,
mothers can choose to wear their babies with a structured carrier to intensify the workout.
A weight training class to develop a strong muscular foundation that will help us tune in to our muscles kinetic chain that creates a better sense in daily postural form loaded and unloaded, inside and outside of the gym.
Low Intensity Interval Training is a functional training
that does not include explosive movements,
such as jumping, running and hopping.
This workout is ideal for those who don't prefer higher-intensity workouts, fitness beginners, those who are coming back from a workout hiatus, recovering from injury, and definitely doable for those who are fasting.
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